Metro exodus steam 2020
Metro exodus steam 2020


To complete his journey, Sam will discover that he needs every tactic he has learned so far to survive, as his surroundings prove to be far trickier than expected. Sam makes his way away from the Aurora in search of a way back to the USA, arriving at the remains of Vladivostok’s tsunami ravaged harbours, ruined industrial buildings, and crumbling residential districts. After jumping ship from Valve’s Steam games network to become an Epic Games Store exclusive, Metro Exodus will finally be arriving on the Steam. The prospect seemed impossible in the darkened tunnels of the Metro, but when the Spartans discovered that Moscow was not the only city left alive after the war, holding out hope didn’t feel so foolish anymore. Recently, Valve has been having a big to-do about the most popular games on its platform. In total, 20 premium games and 5 free-to-play games claimed the best-seller crown.


Sam, a US marine at the Moscow embassy before the bombs were dropped, has long dreamed of returning to his homeland, and maybe finding his family alive. Metro Exodus STEAM/EPIC/GOG Post by angelotti » Mon 1:13 pm For me, the no cleaning address (0F B7 08 E8 6F 7B B9 FF) from the original 1.0.7 table update (the one initially posted on page 10) is correct for the steam version. Metro Exodus and Besiege were among the February 2020 Top Steam Releases, marking out these titles as especially popular launches during the previous month. Most Metro Exodus Playtime Worldwide Steam ID Country Playtime (H) 1: Shiina. To start with, it has been confirmed that the game will be available on Steam starting February 15, 2020. Summer Sale 2020: Summer Road Trip Community Contributor Community Patron. The year-long exclusivity deal that has thus far chained Metro Exodus to the Epic Games Store comes to an end soon, which will in turn allow the post-apocalyptic first-person shooter to appear on other digital storefronts.


In order to secure the survival of any of the people, those in charge may need to take drastic measures…įollowing the journey and experiences of Khlebnikov during the last days of life in Novosibirsk, which Colonel Miller retraces a year later, players can expect the classic story-driven gameplay of the Metro series in this new linear chapter, complete with a brand new weapon, the deadly flame-thrower, claustrophobic environments, and the all-too-familiar hair-raising tension. View who has the Most Playtime in Metro Exodus on Steam. Just below the surface, under the dead city of Novosibirsk, Colonel Khlebnikov makes his way home to his son, Kirill, for New Years Eve.īut all is not well with the people here: the slime is further consuming the tunnels, mutant attacks appear to be on the rise and the precious ‘green stuff’ that protects the people from radiation poisoning is running low. In a shocking twist of fate, Metro Exodus, 4A Games’ long-anticipated follow up to their 2013 post-apocalyptic epic Metro: Last Light, has already become Steam’s highest rated game of 2020. Quinn wrote on Feb 21, 2020, 18:13: Xero wrote on Feb 21, 2020, 17:53: I picked up the one prior to Exodus for 5 bucks on Steam. Instead of Artyom, players will have the chance to see through the eyes of a brand new character and of one of the Spartan Rangers, the Aurora’s only American, Sam. Metro Exodus, has already become Steam’s highest rated game of 2020 as fans do all they can to retaliate against the Epic Store exclusivity. Inspired by the novels of Dmitry Glukhovsky, Metro Exodus continues Artyom’s story in the greatest Metro adventure yet.The Metro Exodus Expansion Pass will contain two major pieces of story-driven DLC for the game, following brand new stories from the world of Metro. Sam, one of the soldiers of the Spartan Order, makes his way away from the Aurora in search of a way back to his home of the USA, arriving at the remains of Vladivostok’s tsunami ravaged harbours, ruined industrial buildings, and crumbling residential districts. For those whove been waiting for Metro Exodus to release on Steam, the times listed above will tell you exactly when the game will unlock. Metro Exodus is an epic, story-driven first person shooter from 4A Games that blends deadly combat and stealth with exploration and survival horror in one of the most immersive game worlds ever created.Įxplore the Russian wilderness across vast, non-linear levels and follow a thrilling story-line that spans an entire year through spring, summer and autumn to the depths of nuclear winter. Metro Exodus (MetroVideoGame) February 6, 2020. They have struggled against the poisoned elements, fought mutated beasts and paranormal horrors, and suffered the flames of civil war.īut now, as Artyom, you must flee the Metro and lead a band of Spartan Rangers on an incredible, continent-spanning journey across post-apocalyptic Russia in search of a new life in the East. A quarter-century after nuclear war devastated the earth, a few thousand survivors still cling to existence beneath the ruins of Moscow, in the tunnels of the Metro.

Metro exodus steam 2020